Setting Up ArgoCD for Continuous Delivery on EKS: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this article, we will explore how to set up ArgoCD on Amazon EKS to enable continuous delivery for your Kubernetes applications. ArgoCD is a powerful GitOps-based tool for automating the deployment and management of applications in Kubernetes clusters. It helps synchronize your application’s desired state defined in a Git repository with the actual state in the Kubernetes cluster.

The article will cover the following key topics:

  1. Introduction to ArgoCD and GitOps: Understand the core concepts of GitOps and why ArgoCD is an ideal tool for continuous deployment.

  2. Installing ArgoCD on EKS: Step-by-step instructions to deploy ArgoCD in an EKS cluster.

  3. Creating github repo for argocd application : Learn how to create github repo and push code using git

  4. Deploying Your First Application: Deploy an application using ArgoCD and manage it through the ArgoCD UI or CLI.

  5. Configuring ArgoCD for Ongoing Delivery: Automate application updates by configuring sync policies and monitoring deployments.

By the end of this article, you will have a fully functional ArgoCD setup on EKS, ready for continuous delivery of your applications.

Let’s jump into it !!!

Introduction to ArgoCD and GitOps:

GitOps is a modern approach to continuous deployment that uses Git as the source of truth for defining and managing infrastructure and applications. It allows developers to automate deployments and ensure consistency between the declared and actual state of the system. ArgoCD is a powerful GitOps tool for Kubernetes that automates application deployment and synchronization, enabling efficient, declarative, and version-controlled delivery. It provides an intuitive UI, CLI, and robust features for managing and tracking applications, making it an ideal choice for continuous deployment in Kubernetes environments.

Installing ArgoCD on EKS:

kubectl create namespace argocd

kubectl apply -n argocd -f

To Set argocd as current/default namespace -

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=argocd

Download argocd cli :

The command argocd login --core logs into the ArgoCD API server using the local kubeconfig for authentication without requiring explicit username and password.

argocd login --core

To check admin password

argocd admin initial-password

Port forward argocd service so we can access argocd dashboard from host machine browser -

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

Access argocd on or http://localhost:8080

Username: admin

Password: <check previous command for password>

Argocd initialized successfully ! Now it’s time to connect your github repo to argocd app to utilize power of GitOps

Creating github repo for argocd application

Create github acc if you don’t have:

To use git commands from terminal install :

Create new github repo:

On terminal / git bash

Create separate folder for managing this repo

For example:

mkdir argocd-pipeline

Cd argocd-pipeline

Then run following commands

Creating ArgoCD App

Select “New App“ and follow along given pictures

Create App

App Dashboard

Now we will upload all files as per requirement into github and see how argocd deploys it automatically.

I’ve used another repo for uploading all codes .

To download files in respective folder:

Curl -o bookinfo.yaml

To push changes on github:

git add .

git commit -m “updated yaml config file” .

git push origin main

Check argocd app dashboard for changes

To check using cli:

kubectl get pods -n default

Port forward productpage service so that host machine can access it.

kubectl port-forward svc/productpage -n default 80:9080

Access webapp using :

Hurrayyy !!!

K8s with ArgoCD setup Done !!!!

Next part service mesh with Istio , tracing and monitoring

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